Sunday, June 26, 2005

Flagstaff, Ariz.

I've never experienced anything like the mood swings of this trip.

I started out today feeling like crap because I was trapped in Tuscon, but once I finally got on the bus north, things started looking up. I spent a minimal amount of time in Phoenix, got a window seat on the bus to Flagstaff and a nice story sat down right next to me and started talking. When I got to Flag, there was a Dairy Queen in the bus station parking lot, a bus heading west fairly soon (midnight) and an open-til-11 Barnes and Noble right next door.

A few minutes ago, I was fairly flying. Now that feeling has gone to shit.

The digital camera nightmare continues. I didn't drop it, I didn't even handle it roughly. In fact, it takes great pictures and I can see them on the little screen and everything. But I can't get my computer to recognize that the camera is there, so I can't download the images. I've switched the cables, I blew on the connections, I turned every single knob and pushed every button I could push, to no avail. The whole setup worked great as recently as this morning in the Tuscon motel, and now I have no clue. On top of that, the memory card is so small that it's full, so if this takes a long time to figure out, I have to start deleting photos I'd like to keep in order to take more.

I don't know what to hope for, even. If its the camera and I have to get another one -- my third of the trip -- I'm going to freak. If it's my laptop, that's probably even worse. I had assumed that my camera problems were solved, and that I'd had my bad photo luck already, but I guess not. I don't even know how to go about figuring out what the problem is. I don't want to buy another camera and find out it's the computer's fault.

I'm sure somebody will read this and think I'm being overly dramatic, but as they say in those commercials, "Things are different out here." When you're in a string of unfamiliar places, operating at odd hours without a car or the freedom to wait a couple of days, every imperfection shows up. For instance, I'm on my fourth or fifth roll of film for the Minolta camera now, and none of it's processed because I can't find a place that does it on-site. Everybody that offers the services needs at least two days. If I were at home, I'd take it to the Cherry Hill Mall and have the images on CD in an hour.

So in the space of just 12 hours, I've been extremely frustrated, mildly depressed, upbeat, enthralled and now panicky. Anywhere else, I'd consider myself a fairly even-tempered human being. Things are definitely different out here.
Although it probably won't help, I'd try reinstalling the software for the camera. The camera seems like it's in fine operating condition. Then, I'd try the cables again. Also, before buying another camera, I'd go to a store and have them look at it. If it is the cable, you might be able to replace just that. Good luck, Sean. Keep forging through all the moods. Those of us remaining in every day life see you as inspiration, strength, and courage. Take care.
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